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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

View on Gold for this winter!

Daily Gold Chart

Since September 2011 gold has been in a down trend from 1921$/Ounce to 1523$/Ounce. Since then it has been in a sideways correction phase for the last two months. Our view is to sell gold around 1750$ to 1774$ and we expect final panic rally targeting up to 1600$.

On the other side if gold breaks above 1805$, we expect an upside rally targeting up to 1840$ and 1921$.

We maintain our long term trend as Bullish targeting 2350$ as long as areas of 1520$ is protected.

1 comment:

  1. $1600 target achieved. But as per the above report we maintain our long term trend as Bullish targeting $2350 as long as areas of $1520 is protected.


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